
People Don’t Buy Products, They Buy Stories

Let me tell you something that most people know, but very few people are willing to say while in the workplace. Nobody enjoys being forced to listen to a PowerPoint presentation. Similarly, hardly anyone loves sitting through a lengthy sales pitch. They’re both boring. People don’t buy products. Instead, they buy stories. Because when someone becomes emotionally invested in your brand, they’re much more likely to purchase whatever you sell. The same goes for pretty much anything. Over the past few years, I’ve learned that it doesn’t matter if you’re selling cars, books, or anything else. Facts won’t get you very far when it comes to sales. However, emotions will. Quoting an article published by Forbes:

 “Each of us has a dress, shoes, a tie or a bag that we bought only because a salesperson in the shop was kind to us, or just because we were in search of positive emotions. Most of us strive to be happy in our personal lives, so we often seek ways to feel good and are willing to pay for them.” 

Storytelling is a powerful tool that you can use to create a meaningful relationship with your audience and sell a lot more products. Here’s how to start.

Adapt Your Message For Different Audiences.

Don’t let your brand be bland. That’s something I found out the hard way. For a while, I worked in digital marketing. Specifically, helping people in the music industry grow their audience using social media.

Many of the artists I worked with didn’t want to adjust their messaging for different audiences. They thought it was “too much effort.” So they often put out one Facebook post per month, and then complained when they rarely got any engagement. The reason? People didn’t care.

Creating a strong brand identity requires you to adapt your message for multiple audiences. Because chances are, your audience has different demographics, cultural differences, and many other variables. They’re not the same person; so don’t treat them as if they are.

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